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  • Marcus, M.Ed., CPT

'4 Reasons How Carbs Are Good? + Their Benefits !'

Updated: May 19, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

After reading this article you will get a simple understanding about carbohydrates and how to choose healthy carbohydrates. You will also see the benefits of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates often get a bad reputation, especially when it comes to weight gain and people boasting about low carb diets. But understand, carbohydrates aren't that bad for you—it’s all about how much you eat. There are numerous health benefits to carbohydrates and they have a rightful place in your diet. Your body requires carbohydrates for healthy functioning, but it is good to say that some carbohydrates might be better for you than others.

What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient that can be found in many food and beverages. They can occur in naturally grown foods, including fruits, grains, vegetables, and seeds. Food manufacturers can also create carbohydrate foods, usually not the healthiest, often seen in "processed foods". Processed foods include table sugar, cereal, T.V. dinners, ice cream, candy, and potato chips.

But for health sakes, I provided some common sources of naturally occurring carbohydrates that you can enjoy:

Note: These carbohydrates are mainly seen as complex carbohydrates and normally considered healthy.

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables

  • Milk

  • Nuts

  • Grains

  • Seeds

  • Legumes

Health Tip! — Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that can help with #2 bathroom trips. Get fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cooked dry beans!

Reason 1: Carbohydrates can enhance your mood and energy!

Researchers suspect that carbs can promote the production of serotonin, a brain chemical that can make you feel good. An article published by the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that people with low carbohydrate daily diets can have symptoms of depression, anxiety, and anger compared to people with higher carbohydrate eating. This means that you should not be afraid of carbs— in mindful consumption, they can may make you feel better!

Reason 2: The right carbs can help with preventing constipation.

Fiber, a carbohydrate, is an important part of helping a person lose weight. When fiber is increased in a person’s diet, either through eating certain fruits or vegetables, they can get amazing relief from their digestive tract. With fiber consumption, time sitting on the toilet can be reduced, while stomach pain, and hemorrhoid presence can become absent from your bathroom visits.

Reason 3: Carbs can help control your waistline.

Eating whole grains may help reduce overall body fat, especially belly fat. Whole grains can help you eat less food, making you feel fuller to prevent overeating.

Reason 4: Carbs can help control your blood sugar

Slow-release carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates), such as oatmeal or bran cereal, has a

” slow-releasing” effect to the body’s bloodstream, that delays spiking of blood sugar. Eating refined carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates; “fast-releasing”), such as white toast and refined sugar can boost your insulin levels and blood sugar quickly. Slow-release carbohydrates affect insulin levels by not triggering insulin to spike as high signaling your body to store fat. This means that you can burn fat and not store it easier when eating complex carbohydrates.


Recognize that carbohydrates aren't all bad—they have many helpful benefits that can possibly reduce doctor visits. There are many varieties of carbohydrates that keep you from being bored with the same old diet. Following , "4 Reasons How Carbs Are Good? + Their Benefits !", can help you get one step closer to being healthier and wellness balanced!

Also, don't forget to reach out to Home Fitness Galore for a custom workout plan and nutrition guide. Go to for affordable fitness guidance. Don't let COVID-19 get you down!

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