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  • Marcus, M.Ed., CPT

Eat More Vegetables...Here Are The Reasons Why!

Updated: May 20, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

Why Eat More Vegetables ?

Vegetables have a large place in a balanced diet, especially a simple one. In fact the more diverse your vegetable eating is, the more exposed to healthy minerals and vitamins you are. These minerals and vitamins help our bodies heal, renew cell integrity, regulate hormone process, adds to blood nourishment, and develops muscle cell amongst many other things. Also, your resistance to illness and disease is enhanced and certainly your energy and mood is strangely elevated in a realized way.

Why you may not eat many vegetables

Many times vegetables were introduced to us during our youth and we had a tendency to refuse them due to color, texture, and even bland flavor. In our subconscious minds we preferred our favorite cereal or pasta dishes that our mothers cooked to give us the feeling, energy, and flavor we needed to be content.

Parents often advised us with eagerness to eat healthy vegetables, and sometimes we found ourselves only eating them to make our parents go away or happy. We may have used tactics like swallowing vegetables whole or holding our breaths to tolerate the food we thought to be horrible—the flavor at that time was not a concern. Because of this, when we moved out we may have found ourselves at peace, missing the scorning that militant parents used to encourage us to eat better for our health!

How can you eat more vegetables?

There are many ways that you can find yourself eating more vegetables, especially when you identify the problem that keeps you from eating them readily.


  • eating them as a snack

  • searching Pinterest or YouTube for seasoning ideas to enhance the flavor

  • changing how you prepare vegetables, of course raw vegetables are the best and partially cooked are okay ( steamed)

  • reflecting on "blood work" from your doctor visit; ask if vegetables can replace medication

  • finding a dipping sauce to hide bland flavors

  • researching types of vegetables that are popularly preferred (you may have overlooked some)

What are some benefits to eating more vegetables?

  • Adding more vegetables to your diet can help in the following ways.

  • Reduction in the effects of being overweight

  • Have healthier looking skin, hair, and nails

  • Enjoy stronger nails

  • Relieve constipation

  • Create more regular bowel movements related to natural fiber

  • Enjoy brighter skin and reduced acne

  • Have an uplifting energy and natural mood enhancement

  • Fight bacterial infections better and improve illness immunity

  • Be more confident for doctor visits regarding your blood and heart health


Eating more vegetables can improve your overall health, physical image, and mood. You don't have to avoid vegetables or eat only a little bit anymore! Take the time to explore the types of vegetables that dominate your childhood disapproval of certain vegetables. You will be surprised at the types of vegetables that you can discover at your local grocery store.


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