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  • Writer's pictureMarcus M, FitPro

Are You Concerned About Your Back—Use the Leg Press Machine!

Many days you may have stared at the squat rack and did not feel good enough to exercise your legs—placing the bar on your upper back may not always be the best option when you don't have confidence for a back squat. So what is an unmotivated, dedicated person supposed to do about getting a good leg workout on a "lazy" day?

It can be very difficult to develop the motivation to do a hard back squat workout. If those times occur, a great option is to use the leg press machine.

What is special about the Leg Press Machine?

The Leg Press Machine is a large, durable piece of fitness equipment that you can usually find in your local fitness facility. What is special about it is that a person can easily load a variety of individual weights onto the sides of a foot placement platform; the weights can be loaded lightly, for a high repetition set or heavily, for a low repetition set. The big idea that makes the leg press special, is that your spine is not directly loaded with weight.

Why is this not a problem? The Leg Press Machine does not load your spine.

Sometimes when your core, abdominal and back muscles, feel weaker than normal on a given day, you may only want to exercise your legs. The Leg Press Machine offers you that convenience naturally. You avoid having to perform spine loading exercise, like the back squat to develop your legs.


The Leg Press Machine is a great piece of equipment to get an amazing leg workout without loading your spine and back. This machine can be a safe alternative on days that you just don't feel like exercising your legs with extra effort.

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