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  • Writer's pictureMarcus, M.Ed.

Build A Better Body With Booty Bands!

Updated 8-10-2021

There are many things you can do to get your body into the best shape ever, but you can enjoy an EXTRA boost from elastic toning bands. Despite the hype and social popularity, it is important that you know for yourself that the elastic toning bands have great benefits in improving not only your strength, but also your booty!

See. How.

Why are "booty bands" effective for your booty?

*Notice the surrounding muscles that are affected when the booty bands are placed around your quadriceps!

Yes. All of a sudden you see "booty bands" in the title of this section, but that's what the small loop elastic toning bands are commonly used for ; to give your butt a "proper shape", using elastic toning bands.

For the female body, booty bands enable resistance to be directed over particular regions of the lower body, enhancing tension on the muscles due to the natural hip width of a woman. A woman's wide hips allows more leverage to occur to move heavier weight and resistance with less effort. The "booty bands" provide resistance for the hamstrings, *quad muscles, and glute muscles informally called "booty" or "butt".

What are some exercises that you can do with Booty Bands?

With the Booty Bands you can perform a workout for the glutes, quads, hamstrings, abs, and calves. There are many things that you can do to initiate muscle development in your body in an ideal way. Above is a diagram that you can use to organize a simple progression of exercises that can not only help you get your booty round but your lower body in tip-top shape.

*Listed in the diagram.

*Crunches with alternating knees

*Adductor stimulating calve raises

*Single Leg Squats

*Squatting side steps

Booty hydrants

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