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  • Marcus, M.Ed., CPT

'TOP 5 BENEFITS OF CALISTHENINCS EXERCISE' — The Basics of a Bodyweight Technique

Updated: May 20, 2021

By Marcus Morgan, M.Ed., CPT Fitness Professional & Workout Planner

It's about convenient health.

Sometimes we can't make it to the gym, and home workouts are what we are left with. But it is no biggie—our past and present fitness friends have left us with a special opportunity to get the workout that we can do conveniently anywhere—calisthenics exercise.

Calisthenics are a unique collection of exercises that allow you to get a full body workout without the use of weights or other fitness equipment.

What are some good benefits of calisthenics?

Calisthenic exercise offers some special benefits that many people that either work, go to school, or run daily errands can do when they are short on time.

  • You don't have to perform the same exercises all the time.

  • They can be done indoors or outdoors.

  • You can do exercises quickly

  • A full body workout can be done

  • With consistency, weightloss can be reached

  • Body toning can be achieved

  • Blood pressure and heart health can be maintenanced

  • Flexibility can be improved with consistency

What muscles are often used during calisthenic exercises?

What makes calisthenic exercises so good is that they are performed for a full-body, bodyweight workout. The list below has many muscles listed, but these are a few of the obvious and major muscles that can be felt throbbing (in a good way), from a successful calisthenic workout.


Hamstrings (back of Legs)

Quadriceps (front of Legs)

Calf Muscles (rear of lower legs)


Front Deltoid (front of shoulder)

Medial Deltoid (side of shoulder)

Read Deltoid (back of shoulder)


Rectus abdominis (abs)

External Oblique (abs)

Transverse Abdominis (abs)

Internal Abdominal Oblique (abs)

External Abdominal Oblique (abs)

Latissiumus Dorsi (back)

Trapezius “traps” (top of shoulders/back)


Triceps (back of the arm)

Biceps (front of the arm)


Pectoralis Major (chest)

Get a EASY time value of calisthenic exercise.

There is no definite amount of time that calisthenic exercise should be performed, but, consistency with exercise is important to achieve any fitness results. You should aim to perform 15-minutes of calisthenic exercise circuits as a beginner with 3-4 exercises. Eventually you can go up to 30-45 minutes of calisthenic exercise circuits with 2 additional exercises added to your circuit.

FITNESS TIP: Are you sore? See another article that describes muscle soreness and what to do about it.


The main idea you should receive from this amazing article is the fact that calisthenic exercises are effective in many different environments and are good for many different fitness goals. There are many different calisthenic exercises that you can do alone or in group participation ( of course, you don't have to have a partner for bodyweight exercises if you don't want to).


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